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Things to See and Do in Gävle

Gävle is an old industrial location that today maybe is mostly associated with the coffe grinder Gevalia, wich is the latin name of Gävle.

In Gävle there is a wide range of restaurants, classical pubs och cafe´s. If you want to go to a restaurant there are many taste to choose from. Gävle has the most densest concentration of restaurants in Sweden.

In recent years, Gävle also become known for its CHRISTMAS GOAT (Gävlebocken) that each year nearly burned down.

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Mackmyra Whiskey

Visit Mackmyra Whiskey and watch how they work etc..

Furuvik - Animals, Park, Recreation

It is a historic park founded in 1900 as an amusement and recreation park after the American model. 

Stall Islandica - Icelandic Horses

Company Stall Islandica founded in 2005. In line with the increased demand, the business gradually grown into what it is today.


Picnic in Bolougnern or a visit to Furuviksparken


Gallerian Nian around the corner, Hemlingby or Valbo Köpcentrum.


Hamburgers or restaurant - you choose, Gävle has a wide range.

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